Cheap Cabinetry: A Master in Versatility

Storage is one of the things that a house can never have enough of. You could have a millions rooms filled with stuff and, sure enough, here comes one more thing. It could be special project from your child’s latest science fair or that gift from Aunt Maggie that will never again see the light of day.  Cheap cabinets are a great way to add much needed storage to your home and they don’t have to be the white kitchen cabinets your grandma had either. You can have attractive cabinets all over the house and people will love it.

Kitchen Creations

You know all about the standard kitchen cabinets people have in their kitchens. They can be fitted to your space, in several different colors and materials. What about a kitchen island with seating? Your walls are covered in cabinets, but it’s still not enough for all the gadgets and dishes that keep coming in. A kitchen island gives you a whole new area for cutting and preparing food, but it’s also got storage capacity underneath. You can use it as a hanging storage area for pots and pans or complete with cabinets for more standard storage. It’s the perfect addition to a kitchen outside of standard cabinetry.

Foyer Fabulous

The foyer is the gateway to your home, and it’s where everyone takes off their shoes and coats before heading into the living room or kitchen. Did you know that you can create the ultimate storage area and coat rack? You don’t even need custom cabinets as most stock cabinets would work great. You can create an entire area where people can sit and take off their shoes and place them in specific cabinets. You can have cabinets for coats so they aren’t just hanging around. Do you have children? Store baseball bats, basketballs, etc. in cabinets so they’re always there and never get lost.  Make the foyer a focal point with a coat rack that will be the envy of your neighbors.

Parlor Possibilities

You love to have parties at your house. When people think entertaining, they think about you. Why not create the ultimate parlor entertaining accessory—the wet bar? Why bother crafting drinks in the kitchen and then hoofing it over to the parlor, and leaving your guests thirsty and waiting. A wet bar not only gives you the ability to create anything you want in the room, but also a water source for cleaning or even drinking. Cabinetry is a must-have for a wet bar and can consist of white cabinets, grey or a variety of colors to fit the décor of your room. Choose your cabinets carefully, as they will be what everyone is looking at.

If you want some more design options outside of the norm, then check out RTA cabinet Store today.

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