What brings the most return on a high end remodel?

Any article you read will always say the same thing when it comes to what produces the highest return on investment in your home-  the kitchen and the bathroom.   They are always going to be one of the best investments for your money, but depending upon your budget and type of home you have, they may not always be number one and number two.    Here are some interesting stats regarding high end/upscale remodels.

The return on investment for a high end remodel
High End- Upscale Remodels and Their Return on Investment

When you look at the percent of cost recouped, siding replacement and garage door replacement come in with the highest percentage for an upscale remodel.   While I think some of the numbers on the kitchen and bathroom remodel are low in terms of return on investment, the cost associated with them is also inflated.   If you were to use RTA cabinets, you can easily get the same high quality cabinets without the added cost for the name brand.   I was actually kind of shocked to see siding as the top return on investment for an upscale remodel since most of the homes that I consider high end or luxury don’t typically have siding!

In my next blog post, I will give you the stats for a mid range remodel, and I think you will be equally surprised as to what the highest return is on your investment.   Check back tomorrow.

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