RTA Cabinet Blog

Customer Worry: What If I Can’t Build My Affordable Kitchen Cabinets?

Close up of person installing hinges on a cabinet door.

It’s probably the biggest question we get from customers interested in affordable kitchen cabinets that are shipped ready to assemble: “What if I can’t build them?” It’s a scary prospect, we understand. You want to save a little money and buy nice cabinets, but you’re scared that either you’ll be too nervous to even open the boxes or open them and end up with kitchen cabinets that look like a Picasso painting. We’re here to allay your fears and reassure you that putting together the cabinets is much less daunting that you’re probably making it out to be.

RTA Kitchen Cabinets Are Designed for Easy Building

The great thing about RTA kitchen cabinets is they are shipped to you ready to build. They come to your home in boxes that contain everything you need, and the only tool you’ll need is a screwdriver and possibly a rubber mallet. The cabinets are designed to be easily put together, so even someone with only a little experience in building or carpentry will likely be able to put everything together. The cabinets are shipped with all the necessary parts, including hinges, screws, etc., so there’s no need to visit a hardware store to pick up any extra items.

Odds Are You Know Someone Who Can Build Inexpensive Kitchen Cabinets

If you find yourself unable to put them together or no matter how easy people tell you it is, you still don’t want to risk it, then see if you know anyone that can help you out. There’s probably someone in your family or within your friend circle that has put together kitchen cabinets or is a general handy person to have around. Don’t be afraid to ask him for help and offer something in return like dinner or something else. Friends are great not only for the help, but making the experience fun and enjoyable.

When in Doubt, Hire a Professional for Building Ready to Assemble Cabinets

If you want to make sure the cabinets are built perfectly and to factory specifications, but don’t trust your own abilities, then you can hire a professional. There are carpenters and other craftsmen that will build and install the cabinets for a price. This might be the way to go if it’s a new construction and they’re going to be there anyway. The biggest downside to hiring a professional is the cost. It almost negates the cost savings of getting ready to assemble cabinets.

It’s important to not doubt your own abilities when it comes to building RTA cabinets. It’s much easier than you think. If you’re interested in learning more about kitchen cabinets, then check out our free guide.