*To take advantage of these savings, simply enter the above promo code at checkout during the sale dates listed above. These coupons cannot be combined with other offers, must be used during this timeframe, and may not be applied to previously placed orders. During this promotional period, all backordered items will be shipped separately once they are back in stock. We will not be able to hold your full order until the backordered items arrive. Processing time and availability may change without notice during this sale period.
The Elegant White Shaker cabinet line is the most extensive shaker product lineup we have. It offers many more options and accessories over our other white shaker cabinet styles and comes fully upgraded right out of the box. The Elegant White Shaker cabinet comes with a plywood box and a solid hardwood face frame. The doors and drawer fronts are made of a high grade MDF to prevent cracking and shrinking which is imperative with a bright white cabinet. The ease of assembly and price are what set it apart from our other white shaker cabinet lines. It offers a more masculine wide shaker door with natural maple drawer boxes and full extension soft close under-mount drawer glides standard.
Please note that our products do not include cabinet handles, pulls, or countertops. However, we do offer a selection of cabinet hardware available for purchase here.
# WB15DBActual Dimensions of Tray: 10 1/4" Bottom Mount Trays Please note: Since rollout trays are made-to-order items, they can take up to 4 weeks to shipIn stock $105.00 $140.00(35%↓)$140.00
# WB18DBActual Dimensions of Tray: 13 1/4" Bottom Mount Trays. Please note: since rollout trays are made-to-order items, they can take up to 4 weeks to shipIn stock $110.00 $146.67(35%↓)$146.67
# WB21DBBottom Mount Trays Please note: since rollout trays are made-to-order items, they can take up to 4 weeks to shipIn stock $120.00 $160.00(35%↓)$160.00
# WB24DBBottom Mount Tray Please note: since rollout trays are made-to-order items, they can take up to 4 weeks to shipIn stock $125.00 $166.67(35%↓)$166.67
# WB27DBBottom Mount Tray Please note: since rollout trays are made-to-order items, they can take up to 4 weeks to shipIn stock $140.00 $186.67(35%↓)$186.67
# WB30DBBottom Mount Tray Please note: since rollout trays are made-to-order items, they can take up to 4 weeks to shipIn stock $150.00 $200.00(35%↓)$200.00
# WB36DBBottom Mount Tray Please note: since rollout trays are made-to-order items, they can take up to 4 weeks to shipIn stock $160.00 $213.33(35%↓)$213.33